This last week was so, so, so good. Elder Schoen had training from Tuesday until Friday so everyday I went on a division with 2 other Elder. All together we had 9 months on our mission so we were all very new and I just loved it. Elder Schoen has taught me so so much and I need him everyday, but I can do a little more than I thought! I loved it. Elder Soares, the brazilian elder had me sing at every single house. I probably "sang" 20 lessons, where I would sing a hymn and we would talk about it. I love it so, so much. At first I was nervous but now I just love it. I had a wonderful experience praying for the ability to sing with the Spirit, and it was felt so strongly in the homes. It is so interesting the way the Lord works.
I have been thinking about BYU starting this week, and it was been a little tough. I heard BYU won and I was so pumped! Please give me updates each week. I really want to hear what is going on with BYU football. I've especially thought of Men's Chorus and hearing Sister Hall's sweet voice say something kind of sassy to us, but I am still in the Men's Chorus, I'm just singing in Brazil! The power of music is so wonderful, I really do love it. Music is such a universal thing, and there are not many people in the world who don't like music, so it's wonderful.
We also rode the bus a lot this last week going into Sorocaba for the training, I had a lot of opportunities to talk to people on the bus. Some mornings I really wouldn't feel like it because it's scary to just initiate a conversation when I'm not super super comfortable with Portuguese but I would pray to have a good experience and every single time I did! One of them came to church this Sunday and we're going to teach him after. He believes in God, not the Bible, and not in Jesus Christ. His dad passed away a few years ago and we're going to teach The Plan of Salvation today so I'm really excited. I think it will be really powerful.
Transfers are next week! Already a transfer is gone! I really, really hope I can stay with Elder Schoen another transfer. We get along really, really, really, really well. I love him. Sunday we had an awesome miracle happen. Saturday we went to a ward activity which as a lunch to start a fast all together, and then after we taught a few lessons and then had to go to Sorocaba so Elder Schoen could do an interview. We got kind of lost and ended up coming back really late so we couldn't contact all of the people we were hoping to for church on Sunday. We got to church and had 5 investigators there, but we both were a little bummed. Then right before Sacrament Meeting (last hour here) we were shaking hands and found out that because of a baby blessing we had 14 non members at church. Our goal for that week was 14, and it was an awesome tender mercy from the Lord in helping us.
I learned an amazing lesson about burdens this week. Mosiah 23 I think talks about how the Lord can make our burdens light. This means we won't be able to feel them, but it doesn't mean that the burden is gone. The last few verses in that chapter talk about the Lord taking the burden away. The peace is the same in both circumstances, but one is because the Lord is making it light, the other is because the burden is gone. The burden being light is sometimes a little uncomfortable and scary because the situation is still the same. We are still "in" the trial although we cannot feel it but the wonderful thing is we know how dependent we are on the Lord. It shows us our proper relationship with the Lord. It is when the burden is gone, that we risk being prideful and falling into sin. I am learning how to walk with the Lord. In Isaiah it speaks of the Lord walking with us by the hand. I am doing that everyday. I love you all so, so much. I pray for you everyday. I will send some pictures in another email so this one isn't deleted. I love you all! Love, Elder Calvert
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