Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20, 2010

Hello! It is so good to read your emails and hear what is going on. I love emails so much. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be able to talk to you once a week. Well this week was full of new things. My new companions name is Elder Cavalcante. He is from Fortaleza. I really like him, but there are always going to be different adjustments to living with a new person.

When I got back to our house, I was so caught up in the newness of a transfer that I think I emotionally forgot Elder Schoen was leaving. I felt a similar ache that I felt in my heart when I said bye to you all in June, it was nuts but I feel better now.) It has been such an awesome experience having this switch though. It's been a potentially painful learning curve but it's been awesome. I have never made so much progress in one week than this last week. My ability in all things is improving. I have so, so much I want to get better at, and I hate the idea of doing something wrong but so much of missionary work you have to learn from experience. Elder Schoen taught me so much, and I'm so, so grateful for his example.

I have already learned from Elder Cavalcante as well. He is a great teacher. So we have knocked 4 doors together, taught 3 first lessons, marked 2 return visits, and challenged 2 people to baptism. The other work has been appointments we planned on but that will just give you an idea of how much the Lord really is guiding our efforts. The thing with the work here is it is relatively slow. I think it is really easy to get selfish and desire to reap the fruits of the work yourself(baptizing) and in doing this you can disregard those that need your help progressing (maybe baptized in 2 transfers). I just love love- love this work. Truthfully I'm not always giddy with excitement about it, but I have moments everyday where I just want to shout "I'm doing it!"

I had one of the greatest days of my mission yesterday. I will share the full details because it was so, so special. Yesterday morning I had severe case of "missionary morning sickness" as we discussed earlier where I just really miss you guys, and I was just getting exhausted by this feeling. I have it often, and I'm trying to just disregard it because I know it will go away eventually but it's so, so consuming when I feel bummed about it. So in church our Gospel Principles Teacher wasn't there we started teaching but there were lots of words I hadn't used. Basically I spoke in a lot of Portuguese circles for a while. It was really frustrating. (thunder just cracked so loud here, it was sweeeeeet). Then a sister asked us to give her grandchild a blessing and I stumbled over the words. So then, we were sitting in Sacrament Meeting, I was writing down a few thoughts, when I got a note from the Bishop and he asked me to sing a hymn and check "yes" or "sim" (meaning yes in Portuguese) after the Sacrament. I talked to him after and he said he just felt like he needed to ask me. I sang Grandioso Es Tu or How Great Thou Art and I just loved it. I felt really really strong singing it, and it lifted me so much.

After we went to Luis Carlos' house for lunch, and him (30 years old or so) and his cousins were singing and clapping and dancing and doing these Brazilian things and I didn't want to at first but then I went for it and it was wonderful. I'm learning things I really can't type, but Dad you once wrote to me about those who go through the motions in the gym. So many people really do that in life as well. All of us do it in aspects of ours lives. But oh how much better life is if you really go for things.

I have felt so so much love from the investigators this week. I was sharing a spiritual thought on Thursday after Elder Schoen left at a members house, and got emotional during it. After the father of the house said quietly to me that if I never need anything that I can always talk to him. We ended up going back that night to eat dessert with them after they had come with us to an investigators house. Another Irmao in the ward took me aside and said he is always there for me too. Goodness gracious I really am a "blue" when it comes to the “color code”. I am loving my ward here so much, and I'm really excited to work with the members more. In my mind, I thought this week was a little rough, but truthfully it was wonderful. It had a lot of challenges, a LOT, but I feel really good looking back at it. I am excited for this next week, and the work that we will do here in Salto de Pirapora.

I will be able to watch general conference in English! I cannot wait, I'm so so excited to hear the prophets words. I love you all so much. I pray for you everyday. Pray for me as well.

Love, Elder Spencer Wade Calvert

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