Monday, September 13, 2010

September 13, 2010

This last week was really wonderful. Thursday I had my first real division. I was with Elder Dornelles, and it was such a great experience. I have a much better ability to understand and communicate then I think, but I do this thing in my mind where I start thinking about something that they say and stop listening in that moment in the conversation, but it's okay because I know I can rely on Elder Schoen. With a Brazilian, I had to stay engaged the whole time, and when I do it I can understand and communicate and everything is great. It was kind of funny, a couple times during the day I was so excited that I could understand, that I would think "Oh my goodness I'm doing it!" and then I would miss something and be a little lost again. But all is well! We gave a blessing while knocking some doors in a neighborhood we teach a lot, and we marked a date for baptism that day.
The next day, Friday, was one of my most favorite days of my mission. Pilar do Sul is an area in my district that opened up in the middle of the transfer. It had been closed for like 4 months and the missionaries there are having a hard time getting it going so Elder Schoen and I went to have 4 missionaries there that day. I was talking to Elder Schoen and it worked out so Elder Otterstrom and I, us combined with 4 months on our mission when out together. So it was two americans going out and teaching and it was so good! We said a prayer that we could find the people that the Lord has prepared for us, and it was truly a miracle. We saw an older woman and a little boy moving a piece of furniture into their house, and we asked if we could help. We talked for a bit outside and we were asked to come in and share a message. They accepted. We began teaching the older woman and her neighbor who was there as well. We challenged her to baptism and she accepted. She suggested going to church! She was like "I'll make a visit this week!" Then as we were talking her daughter walked into the home. She asked for a Book of Mormon and said she had already read lots of it. I was doing the baptismal commitment to her and said "when you pray and receive and answer..." and she said "I already know it is true." She will be baptized. She didn't accept a date, because she is waiting for her husband to soften his heart. She said "it would be so much more beautiful for 2 people to be baptized."
Saturday Samira was baptized and it was really nice. The Spirit was very strong. I sang Sim, eu te seguirei, Lord I will follow thee I think is the name in English. I love love love singing here in Brazil. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to sing in Men's Chorus. (Mommy can you find the address of Sister Hall at BYU so I can write her a letter? Did Jen make Concert Choir/try out for BYU Singer?? Did Zackary or Chase try out for Men's Chorus?)
If we can tap into the Lord's will, we will have so much success. How many people are there like Rosa, who had already read The Book of Mormon in Salta de Pirapora, that just need to be found. Elder Schoen and I have been thinking and pondering and praying about our finding efforts. I know that each of us has a specific calling to do in our lives. I think that often we feel very overwhelmed with how much there is before us to do, but what a blessing it is to have the ambition and the desire to accomplish these things. Imagine how boring our lives would be without the direction and drive we feel to improve ourselves. I am so grateful for this transfer and all I've learned from Elder Schoen. I love him so much. We are expecting a call in the next little bit about transfers, and I really can't believe how fast this first transfer went. I am expecting him to leave as there will be a lot of vacancies in mission leadership and he would be wonderful. I will let you know what happens next week! I love you all so so much! Thank you for your letters! I received mission ties letters from Jenny and addresses from you Mommy. Jen thanks for those letters and the pictures! I love them. I think a coupel letters are in the mail for you. I love you all so so so much. Keep me in your prayers. I pray for you!

We just got called, Elder Schoen is getting transferred! I feel good and peaceful but please pray for this next transition.

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