Friday, June 25, 2010

Week 3, June 23, 2010

Hello family! Time is going very fast here in the CTM. So much happens in every week that it’s difficult to share everything but I’ll try to recall some great moments. First, Thursday devotional with Elder Andersen was awesome. It was so great to be able to shake the hand and look into the eyes of one of the Lords chosen servants here on earth. His wife spoke and she is an amazing woman. We see lots of couples here in the CTM and I’m always so impressed by how strong the wives are of the men that come and speak to us. The wives always speak as well and sometimes I want them to just keep going. Their closeness with the Spirit, and their tender love is evident in their speaking. Jacob, President Ellis was here on Thursday with his wife. I shook his hand after and he immediately remembered you. Also there is a teacher here named Irmao Peçanha and he remembers you serving in his ward 11 years ago. It was very inspiring to hear that, so know your work here has not been forgotten and I feel so blessed to be able to serve in the same part of the world as you.
Right now I feel like I’m learning a lot more about the gospel than I am Portuguese but I feel good about Portuguese as well. Really it’s just a constant act of faith, I set goals for each day of what I can do, and then I accomplish. What a joyous way to live. If anyone who is reading this feels like they lack happiness or direction, first, read The Book of Mormon or your happiness with be cut off far short of its potential but after you have done that set goals each and everyday that you are going to accomplish. Don’t let these goals minimize promptings from the Spirit or inhibit you from being charitable and helping others, but just know that no matter what, you have to complete your goals for the day. (Mother do not delete this next part, it's important) Every morning when my alarm goes off, I feel a little sad. My emotions are heightened by my tired mind and body, and those first few moments of the day are discouraging. The first few days I was here, I would let those emotions overcome me, and think, oh no I’m not doing any better. It wasn’t about the early morning, it was about the reality of being on a mission. The truth is, each day was a little easier, that sad moment was shorter and shorter through repetition, but it still takes faith to jump out of bed and be on my knees while the clock is still on 6:30. I know with all of the my heart because I have felt the fruits, that the Lord makes my day wonderful from then on. It is like the adversary wants me to stay in bed that morning, so no longer do I acknowledge that "Spiritual morning sickness" and its great because now I don’t even feel it. I had the thought last week; I really like being Elder Calvert. I have been praying and having the most incredible experiences of my life. Countless times we read, ask and ye shall receive. The Lord, in His omniscience will always give when you ask, but in my experience it is not in the exact package you expect to receive it in, but he end result is the exact same.
I was reading in the book of Enos yesterday, and I had a powerful scripture study. The Lord answered my questions through this wonderful story of prayer, and the purity of The Book of Mormon was made evident to me once again. It is more pure than any book on earth. It is the most correct. I love this book. I open it up and read of my friends, I feel the peace of the Holy Ghost, and I am comforted in my struggles. The stories are powerful, and they are true. Read the story of Jesus Christ in his youth in Jesus the Christ. I read a paragraph from that book, and few passages have hit me so hard. I thank President Burnham for his inspired advice in telling me to read that book. It alludes to the growing Savior seeing all of the things he used to teach His parables. Seeing the hen gathering its chicks under her to protect them. From this, and in my time here, I have learned to look around. Look in the profound beauty in something as simple as a growing tree. Look into your past at experiences, and you will see that God has put profound experiences in your life that are your own personal scripture. I am in awe at the omniscience of our Creator, to make our lives answers so simple. The answer is coming unto Christ. I love you all. Thank you so much for your letters. I feel near you, and I’m so grateful to the Lord. 3000 miles away, I feel peace and near you. That is amazing to me. I love you all. Love, Spencer

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