Friday, June 25, 2010

Week 1- June 9, 2010

Hello Family! Boy Brazil is different than the United States! It didn’t sink in that I was going on a mission until we landed in Brazil. I started feeling supppppper emotional which wasn’t too surprising for me. We got to the MTC, were greeted by the MTC president and his wife(they honestly remind me of grandma and Grandma Calvert), I hug sister Clark every time I see her.) Then we were assigned companions and went through orientation stuff. My companion is Elder Bavender, he is from Denver and he is a really good guy. (He’s the blonde missionary in the picture. I didn’t realize quite how difficult a mission would be. I didn’t feel ready when I was unpacking and wanted to cry/weep/sleep/be in America. Luckily, that feeling went away kind of quick. Over all, the spirit is so present. I need the Holy Ghost now more than I ever have in my life. My district is awesome; they are really, really good elders and sisters in it. We had a mission conference on Sunday morning and I felt the spirit so strong, probably the strongest in my life. Sometimes it is difficult to have faith, but when I am in a class and feeling the spirit, all is well. Portuguese is really pretty and it’s difficult. Today I went to the temple and it was wonderful. As I was struggling to speak, the temple worker was very patient with me while not understanding anything I said. He gave me a squeeze of the hand and a loving pat on the back and it felt so good to feel love for a man who I couldn’t converse with in speaking, but we definitely communicated in that little moment. In closing I’ll give you a few of my favorite moments from the week. 1. Sister Clark asked me in her Czech accent how are you so buff? 2. the Brazilians always call me forte, which means strong. One thought I played in the NFL. 3. The letters and notes in my suitcases. I love you all, I can´t wait to hear from you again. When I get letters I feel close to you. I love you, I pray for you love, Spence

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