A short part of his letter.
Hey family! Well this last week has been great. We’re allowed to go outside for 3 hours on our p-day after going to the Temple and it’s so fun to be with the people. It’s so fun to try to talk to the people. We end up saying “oi” and” tudo bem” over and over and over but it seriously does not get old to see them smile and say it back. The people here are so friendly, and being out with them gave me so much drive to learn the language. Prayers of many are being answered and I thank Heavenly Father everyday for his mercy to me. I’m so thankful for love in my heart, for a family where I learned how to love so tenderly, and for the fullness it brings to my heart when I genuinely care about those around me in Brazil. The COOLEST part is that it doesn’t mean I have to love anyone else less. My capacity to love is increased. After this I am going to go out in the city again, and I am pumped. My time is winding down to write, but I know I am supposed to be here. I know it will not be smooth sailing, but I trust in the Lord with all my heart, I really do. He will provide for me. I love Him so much, and I feel filled with the Spirit as I write this. Love, Spencer
This is the view Spencer sees above him as he climbs into his bed. This is the bottom of the upper bunk.
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