Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 18, 2011

This last week was very busy again but wonderful. We had interviews with President Martins. He is a wonderful man. He talked to my companion and I first, and we talked about the inconsistency in baptisms that we've been having. He went on to instruct us to just forget about numbers. Forget about numbers and just focus on the people, and the numbers will come. I was so happy to hear that. I expressed to him that I don't like pressuring people to do things by "burning" them because I don't believe it works, and he agreed with me. It was just a really supporting interview that made me feel very confident. I did a division with an Elder named Elder Hoshimoto on Friday. He is from the same city as my companion and we spoke in English almost the whole time so he could practice. He taught me some Japanese words too, and it's interesting because it is really similar to Portuguese.

Saturday, we went to an investigators house and I had organized earlier for them to make a birthday cake to celebrate for my companion 7 months and 10 days just to joke around because he said he had never had a party that was for him on his mission. While I had planned that, the same family talked to my companion and said they were going to do a surprise birthday for me. Right before going I had him wait by the entrance of this little store so I could buy something. I said that, "I was embarrassed for him to see", two pens. When we walked in, there was a cake with both of our names on a little notecard saying Happy Birthday. It was a fun visit.

This family is so awesome and so different! Adriana, the woman in the picture loves lifting weights and UFC, as you can see by her replica belt. She has a ton of tattoo's including her “No pain, No gain” tattoo on her forearm to show her love for weightlifting. She is 42. Her daughter is 18 and she is a professional belly dancer. She too is full of tattoos and they are both members of the church that were reactivated recently. Adriana will get married to Luis, who is 26! He fixes electronics and he is absolutely hilarious. We always have a great time together. Adriana punches Luis really hard all of the time, and they all love rock music.

I am doing very well and I had more energy this week. I am learning a lot about organizing and utilizing my time even more right now. I am so grateful to be on my mission. I love all of you at home. Thank you for the prayers. Grandpa I love you.

Love, Elder Calvert

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