Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 26, 2011

I just have a few minutes to write. Sorry I didn't write yesterday, I was in São Paulo the whole day. We had an extra hour so we went to this really fancy sushi buffet with all sorts of Japanese dishes. It was incredible. I ate over R$100 in salmon I am sure. The ginger here is even better than in the states.

This past week was wonderful. My companion and I are working so well together, and it is such a blast. I have never appreciated knowledge so much in my life. My companion truly is brilliant, and searching to gain knowledge is so exciting. I feel it in my heart.

We had a baptism on Saturday of the niece of a member of the ward. Her inactive uncle went to church after not going in a long time and he is such a great man. Missionary work is so, so wonderful. I was looking in the mirror and tying my tie on Sunday and thinking about all that would happen that day. I thought of missionaries that went home the last transfer. After 3 or 4 weeks, home is starting to feel a little normal again, and the mission is over and in the past. I believe my mind was opened and I was able to imagine the void that this work will cause in my mind and my heart when it is not such a large part of my everyday. I feel so blessed to be able to serve a mission, to strive to live a daily pattern that begets strong testimonies. My "job description" is to live the gospel, and I have 2 years to saturate my life with attributes and habits, that I can take into the rest of my life.

The conference addresses are scripture. Their messages are perfect for helping others. If we search them, we will be able to help others. All of us, lets strive to be better friends. Loyal friends. Let’s share with others the things we know to be true, not to push our beliefs onto others, but to teach them the principles that they are unaware of. Regardless of knowledge of the word of wisdom, human beings are dying because of health consequences. Beyond this, they are forfeiting blessings from the Lord that would be theirs if they would just live these principles. I believe with all of my heart, that there is peace in righteous doing. I am happy and healthy and alive. This world is tremendously beautiful. Read a good book this week.

Love, Elder Calvert

July 18, 2011

This last week was very busy again but wonderful. We had interviews with President Martins. He is a wonderful man. He talked to my companion and I first, and we talked about the inconsistency in baptisms that we've been having. He went on to instruct us to just forget about numbers. Forget about numbers and just focus on the people, and the numbers will come. I was so happy to hear that. I expressed to him that I don't like pressuring people to do things by "burning" them because I don't believe it works, and he agreed with me. It was just a really supporting interview that made me feel very confident. I did a division with an Elder named Elder Hoshimoto on Friday. He is from the same city as my companion and we spoke in English almost the whole time so he could practice. He taught me some Japanese words too, and it's interesting because it is really similar to Portuguese.

Saturday, we went to an investigators house and I had organized earlier for them to make a birthday cake to celebrate for my companion 7 months and 10 days just to joke around because he said he had never had a party that was for him on his mission. While I had planned that, the same family talked to my companion and said they were going to do a surprise birthday for me. Right before going I had him wait by the entrance of this little store so I could buy something. I said that, "I was embarrassed for him to see", two pens. When we walked in, there was a cake with both of our names on a little notecard saying Happy Birthday. It was a fun visit.

This family is so awesome and so different! Adriana, the woman in the picture loves lifting weights and UFC, as you can see by her replica belt. She has a ton of tattoo's including her “No pain, No gain” tattoo on her forearm to show her love for weightlifting. She is 42. Her daughter is 18 and she is a professional belly dancer. She too is full of tattoos and they are both members of the church that were reactivated recently. Adriana will get married to Luis, who is 26! He fixes electronics and he is absolutely hilarious. We always have a great time together. Adriana punches Luis really hard all of the time, and they all love rock music.

I am doing very well and I had more energy this week. I am learning a lot about organizing and utilizing my time even more right now. I am so grateful to be on my mission. I love all of you at home. Thank you for the prayers. Grandpa I love you.

Love, Elder Calvert

July 12, 2011- Happy Birthday Dad

I am going to write a lot to Dad for his Birthday, but I wanted to let you know that I am doing great here, and loving my companion. This last week was really, really busy, but wonderful. I went to my first mission council on Wednesday, and the power that President Martins communicated through his testimony was fantastic. He has an incredible vision of the work. He doesn’t want many kids to be baptized, and he said he prefers to wait 2 or 3 months and have the whole family baptized then have just one child baptized right now. I respect him a lot because I think it would be very natural for a new mission president to want to baptize a ton of people right now, because he wants to hit the ground running.

On Saturday night, Mariana, our baptismal date said she wasn't sure if she wants to be baptized. We prayed with her and spoke about the opposition that came before the first vision, and everything went smoothly for her baptism on Sunday. The water was really cold and the font had a smell of gas really strong, but it was a peaceful meeting. I have been so tired this last week, so I continue to ask for your prayers of energy.

July 4th

Happy 4th of July! I remembered it today as I was walking to catch a bus with my companion and I broke out in song and sang the entire National Anthem. I remember last year and feeling so much pride, but so much hurt in my heart as well being away from all of you. Honestly, I don't feel pain today. I know that sounds rough, but I can truthfully say I don't want to be anywhere else.

I love Santana and I love doing this work. I love my companion Elder Galvão. We are both equal in our responsibilities. There is no senior or junior zone leader. He is definitely teaching me what to do. Today we had a zone activity where we played volleyball, ate hot dogs, and ate açaí. Açaí is one of the greatest creations ever. My bowl of açaí was huge, and with the hot dogs, it felt 4th of Julyish. Some of the other Sister missionaries in the interior came to our activity as well as another set of elders, so it was a blast with a lot of people. I was able to strengthen and create some new friendships, and that makes me so happy. I think what I love about missionary life is the simplicity. I was talking to Elder Galvão about what is it that makes us the happiest, and it's such little things. We bought TONS of fruit and vegetables, and have been making smoothies everyday for breakfast and it just makes me so happy eating natural foods. Friendships and smiles are a reason to be happy, but in our normal daily routine, sometimes these producers of joy pass us by without us realizing it.

This last week of work was great. I love my companion so much. Our conversations are so rich. We talk about things that are so important, we have religious subjects and questions in our hearts that we discuss and trade ideas. It's so great. The area is coming along, and we will have a baptism this next Sunday. The other Elders that were working here had some people progressing so we are trying to keep this work going. The work is a little bit more exhausting right now, so I really need prayers that I can receive physical strength from the Lord. Saturday I fell asleep and slept for 3 hours on my knees. I believe it was Thursday and my companion and I were walking in the street, and I felt a little tired. I didn't want to open my mouth, and I wasn't being super effective. I reflecting on this emotion the following days, and I thought a lot. I pray I can express this thought to those who read this, because it means a lot to me. Many times in my life, I don't live life to the fullest. I am doing one thing, but thinking about another. I am doing exercises, but thinking about scriptures. I am reading my scriptures, but thinking about leaving the house. I am walking in the street, and thinking about how excited I am to lay on my bed and talk to Elder Galvão and rest. But during my day, and all of our days, we have our daily routine. I have time to do my exercises, study my scriptures, work, and do all of these things, and every night I will return and talk to Elder Galvão resting at night time. All of these things will happen. Independent of where my mind is, I will do exercises, study my scriptures, work, and do all of these things. I have had days where my body was doing these things, but my mind was off thinking about a million other things. I studied scriptures without have anything really enter my heart. Taught a lesson without truly loving the person. I believe that the men who made a great difference in the world, were men who were very involved. They were very involved in all they did, including those ideas and desires they sacrificed to bring about.

In church yesterday, I listened to a talk yesterday of a man named Daurt. I could feel what he said. He was saying all of the right things, but I know he could feel them as well. I felt it in the words he said. He was without guile and the scriptures might describe him. His testimony was powerful, and the Holy Ghost touched my heart as I saw tears in his sincere eyes. I left with a great desire to be better. After lunch, I read in The Book of Mormon for a few minutes and I felt such a desire to share the gospel. I felt the desire to smile at all I saw, for I was happy. My heart killed me when people didn't understand. I wanted to correct them and make them understand, but I swallowed that passion, and tried to make a friend for the church.

We met with President and Sister Martins on Friday and I love them. He jokes around a lot, and has an incredible knowledge of the scriptures. I was so amazing by his knowledge. Sister Martins is a powerful woman, who is great in front of people, and used a private conversation with me to teach my true principles. They are very sharp people. Their daughter, Christina, is here in Brasil as well and is going to start her Junior year of high school online. My President taught us some awesome things about the devotion and faith he learned from his father when they were members of the Catholic church. He told us that we can't make a convert out of everyone we talk to, but you can at least make a friend for the church. He said the church needs more friends. He put to words things that I believe but haven't known exactly how to say. He and his wife communicated a lot of love to us. Sister Martins is like a sweet grandmother. I will see them at mission counsel on Wednesday.

Well I hope you all have a wonderful week. I have been praying for all of you in the struggles I am aware of. I hope that the surgery with Grandpa goes well, and I will be praying for him. I love you all. I'm grateful for our wonderful country. I'm proud to be an American. God bless the USA.