Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 20, 2011

That mountain is so awesome. I really, really like it a ton. I don't have a ton of time to write mom, so I will apologize from the beginning. Transfers are coming up as you know, and I am really anxious to hear what is going to happen. Today we went over to President José's house and lifted weights with the Elders of Pirituba as well. After we ate salmon (Irmã Sarah knows I love Salmon and made it for us). It was a really nice day. With the baptisms that we had planned, unfortunately none of them went right. But they will be baptized in the near future.

Well I will try to have member here send a little update about what's going on with the transfers so you can know before next week. Mom I'm sorry I can't write more, but the internet was down for a little bit and we need to leave really quick. I love you I love you I love you so much! This next week I will type like lightening and let you know a lot okay?

Love, Spencer

We got an email from a member that told us that Spencer is getting transferred to Sorocoba and getting a new leadership position. I am sure that he will tell us more next week.

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