Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June 27, 2011- Elder Galvao

I don't have tons of time. My email to the President was a little bit longer because President Cooley leaves tomorrow and President Martins will take over. I am very sad to see President and Sister Cooley leave, but I am very very excited about President Martins. I feel very lucky to serve at this time in São Paulo North.

My new companion is named Elder Galvão! He is from the capital of Brasil, Brasilia and I absolutely love him. Before his mission, he worked for the government making sure that school computer labs are up to date and everything is functioning correctly. The same time he was studying at one of the best known universities in Brasil. We have already opened up and connecting very much and we have a very similar point of view about how to do the work. He loves reading and is very smart. He is extremely professional as well, and very, very obedient. He has a powerful testimony about the gospel, and he makes me want to be such a great missionary. I received a testimony in our first few hours together that we are serving together because the Lord wants us to serve together.

I am in a different zone, but in Sorocaba again. My area is awesome and so peaceful. We live on the second floor of this really big house, in this really quiet neighborhood. Studying in the morning we have the window open, sliding doors open to our deck, and I can hear birds chirping and a comfortable wind. It's paradise. We cleaned our whole house today, so I took a shower barefoot without sandals and it felt so, so good. There are a few people that are ready to be baptized here in the next week weeks, but the other areas here need some work. Tonight we are going to bake brownies for the Elders and Sisters tomorrow.

At church on Sunday, as we were walking out of the Sacrament Meeting (first hour) the Elder’s Quorum President came up to us and began talking about divisions he was already planning for us each night this week. Bishop Cruz called us in to talk to us and then we went to Principles of the Gospel class, it was a really organized class. This ward is awesome and really REALLY strong. The attendance is almost 200 on average!

Well we need to go work! On Friday we have a conference to get to know President Martins and it might be at our chapel here in Santana. I love you so much!

Love, Elder Calvert

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 20, 2011

That mountain is so awesome. I really, really like it a ton. I don't have a ton of time to write mom, so I will apologize from the beginning. Transfers are coming up as you know, and I am really anxious to hear what is going to happen. Today we went over to President José's house and lifted weights with the Elders of Pirituba as well. After we ate salmon (Irmã Sarah knows I love Salmon and made it for us). It was a really nice day. With the baptisms that we had planned, unfortunately none of them went right. But they will be baptized in the near future.

Well I will try to have member here send a little update about what's going on with the transfers so you can know before next week. Mom I'm sorry I can't write more, but the internet was down for a little bit and we need to leave really quick. I love you I love you I love you so much! This next week I will type like lightening and let you know a lot okay?

Love, Spencer

We got an email from a member that told us that Spencer is getting transferred to Sorocoba and getting a new leadership position. I am sure that he will tell us more next week.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 13, 2011

We climbed that mountain again! Pico de Jaragua
Looking out over the city.
Tomorrow is zone conference. This past week was really great. Aline was baptized Saturday night and I will send pictures if it will work to send them. I am sending this email from our zone leaders area, and I don't know if I can send pictures yet.
We had a miracle happen this week with Glaucia. We went to teach her with Irmã Sarah, and we invited her to be baptized. She said she would think about it. We went back on Thursday and she expressed her fears and a little about her past and the difficulties with having parents that attend different churches. She said that she wasn't ready to be baptized right now because she didn't know how it would affect her children. Irmã Sarah began speaking about all of the blessings that the church will bring and how it will unify her family. She basically invited her to be baptized again and Glaucia said she would decide and let us know this weekend.
We arrived at the baptism on Saturday, and Glaucia was there waiting with her triple combination and the Bible. We went in and everyone thought she was a member. I baptized Aline, and after Glaucia leaned forward and said, "I want the water warm for me next week." It was very special because it was a quick answer to fasting and prayers by us and Irmã Sarah. We continued fasting in gratitude.
Tomorrow our Zone is going to sing at our last conference with President Cooley. (That huge picture was just our mission. Isn't that sweet?) I am very sad to see President Cooley leave. I will miss Sister Cooley so much. She has a great way to make me feel like she has all of the time for me, and can accomplish lots at the same time. They really have supported me so much, and I will miss the relationship I have formed with them, but I have faith I can create a treasured relationship with President and Sister Martins.
I love you all so very much. Next week is transfers already, and I am quite sure my time here is coming to an end. I have so many friends in this ward. I will miss it a lot but there are more friendships that I will be able to have in the next area.
Love, Elder Calvert

Monday, June 6, 2011

June 6, 2011 Letter and Mission Photo

Goodness gracious 1 year! Can you believe it? I truly feel a lot different, I don't know why. It is so fun to think next year from right now I will be home!! I have also never felt so happy here in Brazil. I love this ward. I love the friends we have that we are teaching. I love the members. I love the scriptures. I love my President.

We had an amazing experience last Monday night with a friend of Erick (the member who left on his mission). We marked to teach his friend Monday, and when we got to Erick's parents house Cida (Erick's mom) called him and he said he woudn't come. She said wait a second, talk to Elder Calvert. We talked about our days and about his car and then he said, “Alright I'm coming over”. We talked about his church, and just listened and talked and talked. Then he began asking questions about the church. He had questions from his heart, and we answered the questions. Without planning or trying to teach about the Restoration, we did. We showed him a picture of Joseph Smith receiving the Priesthood from Peter James and John. He began weeping. The Spirit was so strong. He offered a closing kneeling prayer and thanked the Lord deeply, even for the ability to smell (he suffered from drug addiction and is very thankful to be alive), and for the Lord to show him the correct path in his life. I know he will be baptized.

We taught this woman named Aline and she will be baptized this next weekend. We are teaching her in a member's house and she loves the gospel. Also we are teaching this woman named Mary and her two sons Igor and Hudson. Testifying last night, I felt so much love for them as we testified about eternal families.

Yesterday was stake conference and President Cooley came and talked. I really will miss him. I felt the Spirit so strong during the last hymn, "I Know that My Redeemer Lives." The key changes and harmonies and moving parts were beautiful. I felt a profound piece during the talk of Elder Almeida, a Seventy in the church. I realized that happiness is not a destination, but is much more in the small and simple things. After all, it is in by small and simple things that the great things are brought to pass. I am feeling the culmination of many small and simple things, small and simple moments of happiness, small and simple miracles and answers to prayers, and it is filling me with joy. I am beginning to feel with my heart things I have known with my mind for a long time. It makes this work wonderful. I feel the Spirit so strong as I write these words, and the fruit of the Holy Ghost that is most powerfully being felt in my heart, is that of Joy.

Experiment upon the words of the Prophets and Apostles. I promise you, with absolute certainty, that there is peace and joy in righteous doing. Those things that are asked of us are not a list of sacrifices or self- denial. Rather, it is a pattern of living that yields peace in this life, and Eternal Life in the next. I love the Savior Jesus Christ. I testify He lives. I have much hope in Him. I have hope in a rich, beautiful future for all of the true followers of Jesus Christ. The first fruits, are repentance and baptism by someone who holds the Holy Priesthood of the Lord. This authority was restored to the earth to Joseph Smith. No combination of good intention and knowledge can make valid a baptism outside of the true church of God. I know these things. I love all of those who are reading, for you are taking the time to read of my life. For this, I invite all of you to speak to missionaries about the restored gospel. Go to mormon.org. Ask for them to come teach you. I know it seems strange, and will require courage. But I promise you, there exists a purpose, and essential purpose to this life, we can be taught this by missionaries. They are representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ. He really lives.

Love, Elder Calvert