Monday, March 14, 2011

March 14, 2011

This past week was a good week. We are working so much with this woman named Edna. Her husband and one of her sons are members of the church. She is such a sweet lady. I love talking to her and conversing with her. She is such a kind mother, and feels so much anxiety because of her worries about her children and grandchildren. Two days this week she really opened up to my companion and I about her concerns and worries. It was great to be able to listen and feel so much compassion for her. I have been making an effort to express my gratitude and love much more often. I really do love her and the other people we are teaching. I don't know how to baptize people. I really don't. I feel like there are so many things I need to know as a missionary still, but I am developing a love for people. I think one of the greatest feelings in the world is when someone smiles because you enter a room.

I spoke on Sunday about agency and attitudes. At EFY when I was 14 I had a powerful experience hearing about how attitude made all of the difference with Nephi and Laman and Lemuel. All of them returned to Jerusalem for the plates, returned for the daughters of Ishmael, crossed the sea, but after they arrived their paths were so very different. During all of these experiences together, Laman and Lemuel complained about nearly everything while Nephi was always positive. I learned how much our attitudes affect our choices. I talked about this and about not liking school when I was young and how I would repeat to Dad "today is going to be a great day" and I began to have great days.

Yes I am singing! Last night there was a fireside about the Restoration and Elder Bavender and I sang "O how lovely was the morning" together. It was so so much fun. We didn't practice at all and the woman in charge thought that all of the missionaries were going to sing so when just Elder Bavender and I stood up she was a little concerned but it was so fun. I felt the Spirit really strong when I was singing.

This morning my companion and I went to a house of a family that I love in our ward here. We worked out with the Dad and his son and another member of the ward and after that ate lunch. Then I helped their neighbor with English, they are trying to earn a position to study in the US. It was a really nice pday. I was translating a paragraph at their kitchen table in almost silence, and I closed my eyes and felt like I was at home. The Spirit is so strong in their house, and I made sure to tell Irma Sarah how much it meant to me.

I love you all so much. Thank you for your prayers! Please keep praying.

Love, Elder Calvert

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