Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 6, 2010

Well another week has passed! I want to give you a little summary of the week the best that I can. Tuesday I did a division with Elder Lew. He is a really good buddy from California and it was way fun to work together. But first that morning was district meeting and we heard right before that President Cooley and his wife were coming to do interviews for missionaries going home this transfer. Two districts have meetings in our chapel and he came to our district meeting. I was able to ask him and his wife questions about our investigators and my companion and I did a practice with him and his wife at the end. It was so nice. I was a little nervous but, President was awesome in the practice and I really felt good about it.

After the meeting Elder Lew and I went to work in our area. We went to an investigators house, one I had specifically talked about with President and we applied what we learned with her. It was really great. He is an awesome singer so we had a blast singing harmonies together during our lessons. It was so so nice. Our last appointment of the day was to visit a less active woman whose fiance (she is in her 60`s) is in a coma. On the way there, we met another couple in our ward walking slowly. We talked to them and found out that her fiance had passed away. A neighbor came up and was crying, but the couple from our ward told us that she was still expecting our visit. I had met her on a bus two weeks ago and was coordinating to have the Elders go and give him a blessing on Thursday. He passed away Monday night.

We went to the door, where others had knocked but no one came. As we approached, I had thoughts of inadequacy to handle the situation. The truth is, no one can be entirely prepared for comforting someone in a time like this, you just have to do all you can. The people in her home let us enter and we went and talked to her. She seemed rather peaceful but she had not accepted it. She asked me to iron the shirt that her fiancé would wear for the funeral. It was a very strange thought as I was in the room of a man who had been walking and sleeping and living 3 weeks ago. I could feel so much emotion in the house. We said a prayer with her that night and told her we would go to the funeral the next day.

We arrived during a viewing of her fiancé the next day. There were so many tears and people talked about her fiancé. People of all religions were joined together, and the hope found that day was found through the Savior. Although the understanding of what exactly that means may have differed greatly from person to person, it was wonderful. We don`t know the woman who lost her fiancé very well, but we were there to support her. I watched her say good bye to her fiancé, it was a very tender, sacred, human experience. I felt a strong desire to comfort those that stood in need of comfort. I`ve always thought those requirements for baptism described in Mosiah were different. But I felt that desire to comfort. I wanted to share a little bit of the pain, and share a little bit of the peace I felt.

We had a lot of appointments fall this week. It was a little discouraging, but I learned a lot. I learned a lot about efficiency and more about giving your all. I still do not know about transfers, but I am praying to accept the Lord`s will. Please pray for me as well that I can accept His will quickly.

Sunday was Stake Conference for our stake too! I will pray for President Dudley. He will be wonderful. He is such a sweet man. We had a bus that was going to come and pick up our ward to go to the conference but it didn`t come. So the ward ran around a bit and we ended up having 3 investigators go to the meeting with us as well. The Stake President spoke about being financially independent, which will help us be more Spiritually independent as well. It was great.

I love you all so much. My prayers are constantly with you. I know that Jesus is the Christ. Pray for me that I can achieve my personal goals.

Love, Elder Calvert

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