Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8, 2010

I am sitting at the computer literally dripping with sweat here in Brazil. It is nuts.

This last week was very strange and very difficult. We began to do a goal of 10 contacts everyday. This was an old rule in the mission here, and from what I hear it began to be just a check the box type of thing. I made a goal to never miss a day, and a few nights this week I was booking it around making contacts to get in 10 before we went to sleep. It was pretty rough adjusting to this new 10 contacts a day, because you can let yourself be governed by the contacts really easily. It is so easy to go through the motions of the contacts just to get them done so you don't have to think about it, but this week we had a ton of really good experiences. In Preach My Gospel it says that the Lord will place people in our paths that are prepared for the restored gospel. I believe that this is true. I acted and did the contacts. I now have proof that this is true.

Tuesday, I was talking to Elder Otterstrom on the bus back to Salta de Pirapora (the Elder's in Pilar do Sul eat with us on Tuesdays) and we were talking about faith. I believe that much of baptising is about our attitudes. I am not denying the hand of the Lord, but I think we limit our ability to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord because we don't work enough by faith. We let reality and fear govern our actions rather than faith. I have large goals and I was asking Elder Otterstrom if he thinks I am right to strive for more, expecting that the Lord will be able to use us more for His work. I felt confused, as many others weren't as supportive of the idea. As I was talking to Elder Otterstrom, a man came up to me, asked for a pamphlet, I asked him if the missionaries could pass by, and he accepted. In my moment of wondering if we can dare to do more, the Lord gave me this experience. It was a reminder of how this is entirely the Lord's work.

So we will have a baptism this weekend! I am so excited. Daniela is progressing amazingly in the gospel. She accepted to live the law of tithing and we actually went over there early today and she had her highlighter out and was highlighting pamphlets we had given her. So just a reminder she has 2 sisters with dates for this weekend and her son as well. Leticia her youngest sister didn't go to church so she can't be baptized this week but the others did!

Laura is still praying and waiting for an answer. She had a dream Saturday night and we talked about it and helped her recognize that it was an answer. I was kind of irritated walking over there on our p-day, but when we sat down and began talking about the gospel, these feelings left. We prayed that we could focus in the moment although we were looking forward to email and other things and the Lord answered our prayers. Scripture came into our minds, and the three of them will have an interview for baptism tomorrow! I will go to Pilar do Sul with Elder Otterstrom and I am so excited. You really develop friendships on the mission. I am looking forward to tomorrow so, so much. I really love Elder Otterstrom and it is kind of like a little vacation with family. We really believe in each other so it's such a blast to work together. I feel unstoppable with him.

As for the pictures, they are pretty self explanatory.

This one is the Catholic church in the center of the city. It is really pretty huh? I'd love to come back here some day.

This is from a family night we did with a family in our ward. I'm glad you can see these pictures! I love you all so much.

I say this week was hard because I feel like my weaknesses were made very plain. It was extremely humbling. I ask for your prayers and I'm sure I will find comfort in knowing my love ones are praying for me. I know the Lord hears our prayers. He is so very, very aware of us. I will continue to pray always. Thank you for all of the support!


Elder Calvert

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