Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Salto de Pirapora- Companion: Elder Schoen

My Wonderful Family, August 4, 2010
I am sitting in an internet cafe in Salto de Pirapora. I look out of the window behind me and I see green hillsides with a few homes on it. It is beautiful here. It reminds me a little bit of Orcas
Island if you can imagine one in Brazil. I'm not sure if pictures on the internet would do it justice, but it really is very pretty.

Tuesday morning we met downstairs at 7:00 and were driven to the mission home. I felt a profound peace on the way there. I felt the Spirit of the Holy Ghost wrap around me in a way I couldnt explain. The situation was so new and scary, but it was as though the emotions and feelings of my heart were different then my surroundings. I know it was a great blessing. We arrived at the mission home at about 8 and I found so much comfort knowing Jacob had been in that very building. We received a lot of orientation type of stuff, and then we went to the Presidents home and ate a really nice meal. Their home is beautiful and looks out over Sao Paulo. After eating we returned and I had my interview with the President Cooley. He is a great man. I'm really grateful for him and I look forward to getting to know him and his wife better.

Last night I slept inside the mission office because all of the beds out in the back were taken, so I may have slept in the very bed where Jacob did sometime. I think it's great I'm here in Sao Paulo because I am extremely sentimental and I love feeling connected to our wonderful family.
This morning all those going to the field waited all together while the rest of transfers occured and our trainers were in a meeting. There was such an excitement in that little pitstop for missionaries, it's amazing. I saw Elder Rader, Zackary's cousin who is one transfer in front of me and he told me how wonderful his first 6 weeks had been. It was a big boost to see him and hear his encouraging words. Waiting outside the conference room in the mission office as the new Elders got called in one at a time and met their Trainers was very intense and a little bit like Christmas morning when you turn the corner and see who you have. My trainer's name is Elder Schoen and he's from Gilbert, Arizona. He is such a sharp guy and every one of the Elders in the office last night said, "you are getting the best trainer!" I am really excited for the opportunity to serve with him. He is obviously a bi-lingual man and I think it will be great to have him explain principles to me real quick and I will be able to learn so much as long as I can be diligent in using as much Portuguese as I can.
We are an area that is one of the furthest one away in our whole mission. We took a hour bus ride with all of the Elders going to the "interior" and then another hour bus ride by the public buses. We stood together along with probably a hundred people as we got to our area.

We went to our home and it is great. I really like it. I feel very safe here in many ways. The Lord is being so merciful to me. In D&C 78:17-19 the Lord uses the phrase "I will lead you along." I have felt this, and will continue to as His tender mercies unfold in my life. We ate mac n cheese for lunch, and talked and now we're emailing. After this we are going to meet the Bishop who is a 27 year old American from American Fork Utah who served his mission here, and married a girl from Brazil. It's pretty crazy, I'm excited to meet him.
Over all, know that our prayers truly have been answered, and in a way only made possible by the Lord, I feel so peaceful here. I have a desire to speak and no feelings of lost time. I have a desire to share the gospel. I have a desire to be friendly and smile a lot and try to understand. I really feel so, so good.
I attached 2 pictures I hope it worked! My companion is the second one from the right, and Elder Briggs is on the far right. The Brazilian Elder is an Elder that Elder Gilbert has trained, and Elder Briggs trained Elder Schoen. The picture at the top is a picture from the internet cafe that we took when we were waiting for the internet to work again. I love you all very much! Keep praying for me please and I will for you. I know they're being answered.
Elder Spencer Calvert

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