Well this last week was another good week.
I don't have a lot of new things to tell you, but I wanted to share an experience that happened at lunch one day this week. It was with a man in our ward that I love. He is almost 80 years old, and he literally has a twinkle in his eyes. I love him very much and I always give him a big hug when I see him. All of his daughters are married in the Temple, and the last one is engaged and will be married in the Temple. For some time now, his wife hasn't been going to church. She has only been one time in all of the time I've been here. I see this man, who is so faithful, working in the Temple, doing visits. The man who passed away in our ward was one of his best friends. After we ate lunch I was giving a message, and I told him and his wife how much I love them and being at their house. We always joke and play and laugh together. His eyes welled up with tears and I knew his heart was very sensitive that day. After we prayed his wife said, stay here talking, I'll do the dishes really quick. We began talking and I asked him what was wrong and he began to cry and cry. He expressed some of his feelings and he asked us to give him a blessing. The words came to my mind from the Lord and I believe that he was comforted.
I am trying, and I will continue to try to be the best man that I can be. I feel like I'm watching things fall apart, but I'm grateful that I could comfort one man this week. I don't know what it is the Lord wants me to learn right now. Maybe this is the humility that Morgan was describing, but I feel so amazingly weak. Transfers are this next week, and I don't know what is going to happen.
I really need your prayers. I love you.
Love, Spencer