This last week was great. It is amazing how fast time is going isn't it? I got a letter from Dane and I appreciate him writing so much. Thinking of him has helped me so much on my mission. He has a way of being so funny and making even the worse situation humorous. I am glad he is home and served honorably. Thank you buddy, I love you. I too am excited to be together with all of you boys again soon. Until then, I am trying to do my best here in Brazil.
This past week we prepared Camila to be baptized. Her baptism yesterday was extremely spiritual. I got to sing that primary song that says "Whenever I feel, the rain on my face....". After, Mariana's daughter who is 7 came up to me with this really bashful face, fingers interlocked at with her hands at her waist, and her shoulders raised and thanked me for singing. She told me I have a beautiful voice. Then she started to walk away and ran back and jumped into my arms. Then she said "I thank thee" in a way in Portuguese that is very formal. A few more times, as we were greeting others and congratulating Camila, she continued to thank me. It was so darling.
Friday we did a division with the assistants. I was a good day with my buddy Elder Warner and we were able to help a lot of people. We went to this less actives house and got to know her. She was in the process of moving and very stressed. We felt the Spirit together and gave her a blessing. I saw in her eyes that she was lifted while leaving. We offered to help her move the next day, and she said she would call if she needed help. I was so impressed by the power of the calling we have, to instill enough trust in someone to call a complete stranger and ask for help. I am so grateful she called and as she took our hands and thanked us, I could really feel her gratitude.
Pray for me that I can be better at planning. There is so much work to be done, and I want to do more. Planning has been a weakness of mine.
Today we are in another area in our zone and we did a zone activity. We played, ate pancakes with real syrup and played soccer!!!! We can play now play soccer in our mission, and I scored 4 goals. Also I learned how to do a front handspring. Yesterday I drank a mug rootbeer. Life is seriously good here in Brazil.
I love you all very much. I will continue to pray for Grandpa. Mommy thank you for all that you do for me. Wednesday I will be heading to the office for mission counsel so I will get letters!