Monday, May 30, 2011

One Year Mark- This Week

I can't believe how fast time has gone. One year and one day ago I went to the gym and lifted with Daniel for the last time. It seems like I blinked and I'm here in Freguesia do Ó. This last week was really great and really busy. Monday night we went to Erick's house to teach everything to his dad. His dad is such a humble man and told me some of the stories from his child hood, like being the main baker in his city at 9 years old. Also when he was leaving to continue on in life, he slept outside on the roof of a building curled up in a ball. He loves talking about his life, and I love listening.

Tuesday was preparation for the baptism and organizing some things for the interview. That night other Elders came to do the interview and everything went smoothly. Wednesday I woke up feeling super raunchy. I got really sick and have been sick since that day. I have a nasty cold and headache and earache so I slept a lot that day. My companion left with Erick to prepare some things for the baptism and I stayed at Kleber's house (where I called you guys) and he let me sleep in his bed.

We went to the baptism and it was wonderful. There were 72 people there! We have some new investigators that attended and it was awesome. It was a very spiritual experience for all as he was set apart before, baptized his dad, and then confirmed him after. Erick will be a wonderful missionary. Right as it was coming to an end, Erick's girlfriend's mom motioned for me to go and sing. I felt pretty sick but the Lord helped me a lot and I sang "How Great Thou Art". Thursday there was a training about this new program for the trainers on the mission. It is a 12 week program where the companionship will study for 4 hours everyday. The idea is to prepare the missionary so that after 12 weeks, he or she could train another missionary. President Cooley gave a wonderful training about D&C 50 and I really felt the Spirit strongly. It was fun to talk with my friends and make new ones.

Friday I did a division with the Elder Eyre in Mangalot and did a baptismal interview. Elder Eyre is from Utah and loves lifting weights so it was fun to talk in the streets about our similar interests. Fernanda, who was baptized Sunday, was so very prepared to be baptized. I was very touched by her faith.

Saturday was a fairly normal day and good. We taught this reference from members in their home and she will be baptized on the 11th of June. She attended this class at the stake center and won a scholarship to do a course about computers. She is very excited about all of these changes in her life right now.

Sunday morning was great. I learned a lot from my companion. It was freezing cold but he called and we planned to walk to this recent converts house to walk with them to church. I really didn't want to walk there because it is really far but we went. We were quiet walking there, but my companion walked with energy in his step. We got there, and the little girl said they weren't going to go. I got a little upset, but I remembered a few months ago going there one day and they said they would go but changed their mind when we got there. I took a more "guilt them/be upset" route that accomplished nothing. Yesterday, I saw all of them asleep, I rubbed Samir's hair and quietly woke him up. I asked if he would go to church and he said yes. I did the same with his brother and his cousin. They all went. This alone was a miracle. Then my companion went to invite these other people that are their neighbors and never come. My companion walked right up and invited them, as I kind of stood back not expecting them to come. Well they came! And they were very excited. I was so grateful for his diligence. Then a member came with a car! We hadn't coordinated with him but it all worked out great.

Over all it was a wonderful week. I am happy. I am loving Brazil, particularly here in Freguesia do Ó. I love you all. Thank you for everything this past year. See you in one year.

Love, Elder Calvert

Monday, May 23, 2011

May 23, 2011

I am still here in Freguesia do Ó with Elder Henrique! It was a little bit of a surprise, and I had said many goodbyes already, but it was nice to say hello again. I remember when I found out I was going to stay in Salto de Pirapora a 4th transfer, it took me a while to be okay with the idea because I was anxious to get to know other areas. But I adjusted very fast to the idea, and the work here is going on so well. It was as if the Lord gave to us more power in our teaching, for all of our lessons on Tuesday seemed to be much more important. It was the same principles as always, but it meant more to me. I am so grateful for the wonderful opportunity to serve a mission. It is the most personal, molding experience that I know. It is very difficult. I thought about 1 year ago, getting on a plane and flying to another country, not knowing the language, and knowing I would stay there for 2 years. I don't know how I had the courage to do it, but I am loving my experience here.

I was so excited to talk to Eduardo this last week, because I had told him that I would probably be leaving, and given him a big hug. We exchanged compliments, and I said bye to a friend I had made. I feel love for him in my heart. He sent a text message that said, "Elder Calvert!! You will stay in Freguesia do Ó?" He wasn't able to return to São Paulo this weekend because of work but he will be baptized this next Saturday. We had a family night on Tuesday with this wonderful family, Presidente José and Irmã Sarah. I already mentioned them in several emails but I absolutely love them. They invited two families over for a family night, and we had a great time learning about eternal families and creating friendships.

This last week I was pondering a lot about the things we do in our life. How much time and stress do we spend on things that are of no real worth? I was pondering about my love for fitness and health. Sometimes, I feel very sad that I can't do all of the weightlifting I would like to do. I think of how much I could bench, the triathalons I have done, and the physical state I had achieved before my mission. I look at myself in the mirror now and it's different. It's easy to judge oneself on a reflection. I was feeling a little sad, but I thought about the experiences and knowledge I am gaining. For every pound of muscle I have lost, I know I have gained pearls of great worth. Pearls that are of greater worth then any amount of time spent on a hobby. I am far from where I one day will be, but I am content with where I am. I am achieving many of my dreams. I am feeling fulfillment. How much time do we stress about things of little importance, and set aside those things which matter most?

Yesterday at church, there was a man walking with his daughter in the church in normal winter clothes. (it's really cold here, it's been great) I began talking to Jorran (Johann) and his daughter Rafael. He and his wife are medical doctors, and they met eachother in Bolivia. Their daughters name is Rafaela. They are going to move into the area. Just speaking with him and feeling of their goodness makes my heart swell. Their little daughter was showing me her scarf and asking questions and I showed her pictures of my wonderful family and she asked about my neices and nephews. She is 8 years old and was wearing a cute little colorful beenie, a blue scarf and and jacket shoes socks and shoes of all different colors. She has green eyes and cute little freckles on her nose. Talking to her and seeing her lean against her dad was my favorite moment of the week.

Last night, we were at Erick's house, who will leave on his mission this Thursday, and he was talking to his dad. He baptized his mom 3 weeks ago and asked his dad to be baptized Wednesday. He laughed and said I don't know. Erick asked me to give him a blessing and then we went home. He called us really late last night and said his dad is going to be baptized on Wednesday! It was awesome!!

So many miracles are happening. I really feel so much love in my heart for the people in this area. Presidente José continues to be an incredible example to me. He greets everyone with a high five and a fist pound, and then him and I always give eachother huge hugs and feel eachothers arms and talk about weight lifting. He is a great man.

Caitlin looked so beautiful. I can't wait to meet her husband, he looks like a great man. I want to see pictures of Natasha's wedding aswell. I still haven't gotten the package but I will get it Thursday. We have a training and I'll pick it up!

I love you all.


Elder Calvert

May 16, 2011

I know I am part of such a wonderful family. I can't believe all the good and wonderful achievements my family is doing. Jacob is delivering babies, Michael studying law at Gonzaga, Adam receiving the award for best student ever to be born west of the Mississippi, Josh saving the New York homeless. I really do feel so much pride to be apart of our wonderful family. I am very happy to be a Calvert.

In the conference of October 2010, a General Authority said to shake someone’s hand that you don't know every Sunday. Even if you "ought to know that person's name" but you don't or forgot, ask for it again. Relationships are so important. Love leads us to righteous action and committed service and obedience. When all of our zeal is focused on obedience and service it is wonderful. But a higher motivating power is love. Love for God and people. It is strange with transfers coming because I am quite sure that I am going to leave. I have had a wonderful time in this ward. I am so grateful for the wonderful things I have learned. I will treasure my friendships and lessons from my time here in Freguesia do Ó.

I was touched by a scripture this morning, 3 Nephi 18, Jesus speaks about the importance of the Sacrament. He says that those that do more and less than these things build their foundation upon the sand. I thought of Helaman 5:12 and a scripture in Matthew 5 of the rain on the just and the unjust. 3 Nephi 18 speaks of rains, floods, and winds. As I pondered these scriptures, I thought of the rains, floods and winds differently. Winds of doubts, criticism raining, and floods of temptation rising. For some, these winds, rains, and floods, could be the destruction of worlds possessions. My mind thought of windstorms and a tree falling and damaging our home. That, in and of itself, does not have any effect on us. But the way we react to our personal storms, is the determining factor. The rains, floods and winds are inevitable, personal, and frequent, but they only have the devastating effect when we use our agency, putting aside the Lord and deciding we don't have time for fervent prayer, or scripture study, and we need time to "put our life back together" on Sundays. We are free to act in the way we choose to the rains, winds and floods. We remove ourselves from the guaranteed protection the Lord has promised us when we begin to build on a weak foundation.

Finally, a thought this week that really hit me; "Am I waiting, or am I living?" Maybe we all ought to ask ourselves this question more often. I love you all.

Love, Elder Calvert

May 9, 2011

Happy Mother’s Day! Everything worked out just fine with getting back home and we didn't have any problems. It was such a wonderful day yesterday. I felt great thinking about you just smiling and saying you love me Mommy. Your love for me just radiates mom and it fills me. Thank you so much for encouraging me and supporting me so valiantly. I love you so much. I'm trying to let your love motivate me. While talking to Josh yesterday, he said when you feel sad tomorrow, think about how great it was to talk, rather than, oh man I have to wait until Christmas. I have tried to do that, and not dwell on the time until the next call, but rather be grateful for yesterday. My heart is a little tender but I'm doing okay. It is very full of love for our family.

In the blessing Dad gave me, he told me about the importance of bridling your passions. I have trying to bridle and channel all of my love for my family into this work. I'm so grateful I can be with you all forever. Another year sometimes brings tears to my eyes, but I'm looking forward to forever. There is a scripture that talks about no more death or tears or pain in Revelations. It says that God shall wipe away the tears from our eyes. As my heart was aching this morning, I kneeled in prayer and it was as though the Lord was holding my burdens. Thank you for raising me and loving me. Thank you for motivating me. Thank you for leading me The new family that we are teaching, has five daughters, a son, a mom and dad, a grandma, and an aunt. Some of the daughters are married. They are a really receptive family and made breakfast for us when we taught them all together.

Love, Elder Calvert

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 2, 2011

Yes I got the Easter package it is wonderful!

This past week was really, really great. Tuesday we went and taught Glaucia and Samuel and we were able to help Glaucia recognize she had received an answer that the church was true. It was a really spiritual lesson and we felt very guided to ask certain questions. Saturday with Elder Andersen was so good! He is such a humble man and the thing that I learned the most from him was the way he acted. He said "I don't know" to a question, without trying to cover up or appear to know. He simply said, “I'm not embarrassed to say I don't know”. He expressed the importance of being honest in our testimonies, and how essential it is for the Spirit. It was so good to see many friends here on the mission. Elder Shoen goes home in 8 weeks!

After the conference we went and taught Eduardo. He had read all the things we marked, underlined parts, and had awesome questions. He is so very prepared to receive the gospel. He is such a special person. I really love him. I feel so blessed to get to teach him the truths of the gospel. He expressed his sincere concern about his family not being baptized with authority. He is going to strengthen the ward so much. He accepted to be baptized on the 14th. Erik's mom was baptized that night, and it was awesome. There were 54 people there! It was amazing! We had a ton of food after, exactly how I think a baptism ought to be.

Yesterday was a very special day. I was sitting in the Elder's Quorum with Eduardo when a man from the other ward called me to come out in the hallway. As I closed the door behind me he said, "There's a family here that lives in your ward." I went and met 5 woman, and 2 children who decided to come to church yesterday. The mom, Sueli said she works at a church, and she wanted to come visit ours. I asked where she works, and she explained in Casa Verde in the CTM. She said it's a special place to work and she was curious to visit our Sunday Services after a CTM teacher invited her. It was a very special blessing. We are going to teach them tonight. Also we are going to talk to Glaucia's mom about her children's baptism tonight, because she has to give the okay. Pray all can go well. We will be going there at 8 tonight.

It was a really special week. I am so excited to be able to talk to you all this week. It will probably be Sunday at like 2:00. I love you so much. I can't wait to see you on Skype!

Love, Elder Calvert

A couple more pictures. This was right after a night workout and we ate egg whites and granola. My companion is going to get HUGE!